Rishi Sunak makes history as Britain's first prime minister of color-- CONGRATS!


Oct 13, 2021
Rishi Sunak, 42, officially became prime minister of the U.K. on Tuesday after meeting with King Charles III at Buckingham Palace. He is the third prime minister in less than two months, the first person of color in the position, and the youngest British leader since 1812, CBS News reports.

The 57th prime minister came in promising to fix the mistakes of his predecessor, Liz Truss. In his first speech, he vowed to "place economic stability and confidence at the heart of this government's agenda." The failed policies of Truss left Britain's economy in turmoil and plummeted the value of the pound, which forced her to resign just 45 days after taking office. Sunak was always critical of Truss's tax-cut plan, CBS News continues.

Sunak also has the challenge of reunifying the Conservative Party. While he was the clear favorite, garnering 200 endorsements from Conservative MPs, there were still those vying for Boris Johnson and Penny Mordaunt, The Guardian reports. One MP even admitted, "My head is with Rishi, my heart is with Penny and my soul is with Boris." Meanwhile, much of the public and the opposition were vying for a general election.

Despite the turbulent state of Britain's politics, many world leaders as well as members of the opposition congratulated Sunak, including President Biden, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer.

Oct 13, 2021

Oct 13, 2021
Times sure have changed from when that evil racist savage monster churchill was around. Great to see this and wish him health and the strength to do what's right for all of his country's people.

Sep 20, 2017
Race doesn't matter but lets celebrate this lol
All racist uneless they make themselves minorities and disappear I gues
Only their homeland
No big deal

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Born in England, of Indian decent

Studied at Winchester College

He bleeds British, not trying to change anything to benefit himself or others, so color is irrelevant in this case

Oct 13, 2021
Born in England, of Indian decent

Studied at Winchester College

He bleeds British, not trying to change anything to benefit himself or others, so color is irrelevant in this case
Not irrelevant at all. He bleeds British AND Indian. Both are in his blood. Only an Indian would understand what it means for somebody that looks like him to be Prime Minister of a country that invaded and tortured and raped and committed all kinds of acts of atrocities for years. It's very relevant.

Oct 13, 2021
To have racist animals like churchill calling Indians worse than dogs or whatever the quote was, and now, in 2022, to have a person of Indian descent the Prime Minister of that same country while churchill's body rots...it's very relevant and significant.

Oct 13, 2021
Race doesn't matter but lets celebrate this lol
All racist uneless they make themselves minorities and disappear I gues
Only their homeland
No big deal
You wouldn't understand. Of course we are celebrating after the atrocities committed by the british back in the day. Why wouldn't we? It's not just celebrating a person of Indian blood becoming Prime Minister.

It's celebrating a fantastic new world that we live in. Try to understand. But if you want to hate as usual go ahead. Won't change anything,

Oct 13, 2021

Sep 20, 2017
You wouldn't understand. Of course we are celebrating after the atrocities committed by the british back in the day. Why wouldn't we? It's not just celebrating a person of Indian blood becoming Prime Minister.

It's celebrating a fantastic new world that we live in. Try to understand. But if you want to hate as usual go ahead. Won't change anything,
Yeah, nobody else ever did anything bad lol
You are celebrating him because of tribalism

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Not irrelevant at all. He bleeds British AND Indian. Both are in his blood. Only an Indian would understand what it means for somebody that looks like him to be Prime Minister of a country that invaded and tortured and raped and committed all kinds of acts of atrocities for years. It's very relevant.
True it does mean a lot to him

But he isn't even thinking about the reasons you are bringing up

In other countries everything isn't about race like it is in the states

People of all colors actually get along in other civilized countries and have moved on from the same ol beating of a dead horse

Sep 20, 2017
"In other countries everything isn't about race like it is in the states"

Like what countries?
The non-western world that has not embraced the supposed strength of diversity?
Or the Western ones who have yet to get to where America is demographically?

Should homelands not exist?
And how do you quantify that in context with only demographics changes happening in the West?
Do you not think than many of these countries have been changed?
Many are just considered multi-cultural
In other words the actual country is not what it was suppose to be because assimilation is racist
Also, should they hae the right to pick and choose their immigrants
Some do well and others don't
Actually many Sikhs for example do great
Good hard working people over there

Sep 21, 2001
Not irrelevant at all. He bleeds British AND Indian. Both are in his blood. Only an Indian would understand what it means for somebody that looks like him to be Prime Minister of a country that invaded and tortured and raped and committed all kinds of acts of atrocities for years. It's very relevant.

Do you have a list of ur fav countries? Haiti, Somalia, Zaire, etc.

Oct 13, 2021
True it does mean a lot to him

But he isn't even thinking about the reasons you are bringing up

In other countries everything isn't about race like it is in the states

People of all colors actually get along in other civilized countries and have moved on from the same ol beating of a dead horse
It's difficult to know if those same thoughts don't cross his mind at least. But can't deny he and his family aren't feeling immense pride that he's of Indian descent. Whatever the reason behind it. They're human. They can't help it.

It's true. We, (I) need to move on from the past to be able to move forward. But it's easier said than done when there's deep, deep cuts that run deep. They've healed but the scars are there. Hell, I was born in the U.S and it still makes my blood boil what the british did. And what cuts am I talking about haha. It was WAY before my time. But what they did was downright evil and this gives me a lot of satisfaction. Difficult to not think about that when I read about this story of a man with Indian blood running in him becoming Prime Minister.

I have family in London. They have been well established there for decades. They are all celebrating and their Caucasian friends are joining them. I guess they are doing it the right way. Mending wounds with love (corny and gay as hell I know) not putting salt on them like I sometimes do.

So I agree on one point, need to move on from beating a dead horse. It was in the past. Time to move forward. I'm not perfect. If people that lived through that era let themselves heal, I, born and bred in the beautiful U.S.A with every luxury and educational opportunities given to me that money can afford thanks to my hard working parents should let it go too.

I work on my weaknesses and admit those weaknesses.

Oct 13, 2021
Do you have a list of ur fav countries? Haiti, Somalia, Zaire, etc.
U.S.A and India. I stand proudly for both anthems. Born and bred in the U.S.A and Indian blood inside me. I get choked during both anthems and I pray everyday for the safety and success of both countries.

I also hate that the U.S.A is being divided by race and possibly conquered soon (in a sense) by foreign powers like China, maybe Russia and others just like India was. Because that's the only way the U.S can be beat. Not head on, but by dividing and conquering and secretly pouring oil in a flame that's burning.

Not saying I'm perfect. I have many things to work on myself to do my part. Why do you bring up Haiti, Somalia etc? Some of your favorite vacation spots?

Oct 13, 2021
"In other countries everything isn't about race like it is in the states"

Like what countries?
The non-western world that has not embraced the supposed strength of diversity?
Or the Western ones who have yet to get to where America is demographically?

Should homelands not exist?
And how do you quantify that in context with only demographics changes happening in the West?
Do you not think than many of these countries have been changed?
Many are just considered multi-cultural
In other words the actual country is not what it was suppose to be because assimilation is racist
Also, should they hae the right to pick and choose their immigrants
Some do well and others don't
Actually many Sikhs for example do great
Good hard working people over there
I've always said I'm all for legal immigration but against illegal immigration and a nation should pick and choose which Immigrants would best fit their country and their needs and wants. Indians are model citizens all over the world because for the most part they just want to work and earn money (and have a little fun if possible) and that's fits perfectly in many western nations where there is a shortage of workers, especially in certain sectors.

I have no problem if a white dude thinks America should be white and votes for a candidate that wants to make it more white. I don't agree with him but it's his God given right to feel and think that way. However, my issue is when that same dude shouts racist shit or hurts a person of minority and takes it out on them. And it's always a woman or kids, or old person these people mostly pick on.

But yeah, if somebody is saying I prefer the U.S.A be more white, or only white. I guess that's their choice. Of course that secretly bugs me cause I'm like wtf. I literally might think, talk and act the same way as you. It's just that my skin color is olive and not white. I might even like the same drinks, or sports teams and laugh at the same jokes as this dude but he isn't ever going to know that because he's made up his mind already that I'm bad news.

Having said that. It's all good. Can't say I experience much racist in the U.S. I don't. And I travel all over for my work. Even down South. So I haven't experienced it much, maybe a handful of subtle incidents. So yeah, maybe we make race too big a topic in the U.S.

Meh. Rare weekday off for me. This topic is too deep for me. I'm going to grab some beer and play some Xbox.

None of the shit we all argue about on here really affects us on a day to day basis haha. Not really anyways. So I'm trying my best to not think about it anymore.

Honestly all I care about is my family and friends, and making more money, and putting down a dime on a ball game and fucking as many fine girls as I can. I can't say it has ever affected me that much when Obama was in power or if it was Trump or whoever. It literally made no difference in my day to day life or anybody's life unless they let it.

Rambling over. I'm out.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I've always said I'm all for legal immigration but against illegal immigration and a nation should pick and choose which Immigrants would best fit their country and their needs and wants.

Indians are model citizens all over the world because for the most part they just want to work and earn money

Agree again. Every Indian person I've met is good ppl.

But I've always been confused, why do they side with Russia and China?
But yeah, if somebody is saying I prefer the U.S.A be more white, or only white. I guess that's their choice.
I see things from all angles & sides

I'm Caucasian, had a black stepfather and all of my friends were black until it leveled out in high school

My wife is Mexican, have only been in relationships with different ethnic females than myself, and my kids are biracial

I'm not afraid to make claim that I've probably seen more deeply into & from those 3 races my entire life than anyone you'll ever meet

But some will say that doesn't give me the right or understanding to comment on other ppl of color

I say bullsh!t because they don't know my background

And if that's the case, they have no right either

But to expand on your comment above, why is it ok for other countries to dictate, but not the U S ?

Do you think Mexico will ever allow a white or black person to become their president?

Hell No

Same goes for China and other countries

I'm sure the answer is because we are a 'free country"

Ok but where do you draw the line?

At some point you have to stop being so nice for numerous reasons...

May 16, 2007
Well congratulations to Mr Sunak, I hope they picked him because he was the best candidate there in Britain not like the USA where many of the selected and elected officials get chosen BECAUSE of their race or gender. Like Kamala Harris and Obama.

Oct 25, 2022
Congrats to the British people.

I was reading his biography and found out that he married "Akshata Murthy" in 2009, a British-based Indian heiress, businesswoman, fashion designer, and venture capitalist.

"the daughter of Indian billionaire N. R. Narayana Murthy. Sunak and his wife are the 222nd richest people in Britain, with a combined fortune of £730 million as of 2022."

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